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The Governing body of Defford-cum-Besford CofE First school.


The school's Governing body is made up of parent, staff, local authority and community representatives. They are a voluntary body of people who guide and support the strategic direction of the school. The school’s Christian vision, ‘Through Faith, Friendship and Fun we Learn and Grow’ is fundamental in all decisions made by school governors.


The Governing body focuses on the following three strategic functions:


· Ensuring clarity in the school's vision, ethos and strategic direction

· Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the seeking of assurance on the effective performance management of staff

· Overseeing the financial performance of the school, making sure its limited resources are well spent


The full Governing body meets regularly through the academic year. In addition to the full board there are two main sub committees - the Curriculum and the Finance Committee. Governors also visit the school on a regular basis to monitor school development priorities. If you would like to find out more about the role of a Governor, details of membership of the Governing body, meeting dates and/or copies of non-confidential minutes, please contact the Clerk ( for more information.


All Governors are subject to appropriate vetting procedures through the national Disclosure and Barring Service.

Instrument of Governance


1. The name of the school is Defford-cum-Besford Church of England First School.


2. The school is a voluntary controlled school.


3. The name of the governing body is 'The governing body of Defford-cum-Besford CE First School'.


4. The governing body shall consist of

· Four parent governors

· One LA governor

· One staff governor

· One headteacher

· Two foundation governors

· Three co-opted governors


5. Total number of governors 12


6. The Board of Education of the Diocese of Worcester shall appoint one foundation governors.


7. The holder of the following office shall be a foundation governor ex officio:

· The principal officiating minister of the parish of Defford-cum-Besford.

The Archdeacon of Worcester shall be entitled to appoint a foundation governor to act in the place of the ex officio foundation governor whose governorship derives from the office named above, in the event that that ex officio foundation governor is unable or unwilling to act as a foundation governor, or has been removed from office under regulation 21(1) of the Regulations.


8. The Archdeacon of Worcester shall be entitled to request the removal of any ex officio foundation governor and to appoint any substitute governor.


9. Ethos Statement


Recognising its historic foundation the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the church at parish and diocesan level.


The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experiences it offers to all its pupils.


10. This instrument of government comes into effect on 1 October 2013.


11. This instrument was made by order of Worcestershire Local Authority on 13 November 2013.


12. A copy of the instrument must be supplied to every member of the governor body (and the headteacher if not a governor), any trustees and to the appropriate religious body.

Governors in position at Defford-cum-Besford CE First school


All Governors have full voting rights on the Full Governing Body and sub-committees on which they serve.


NamePositionTerms of OfficeRolesArea of responsibility
Tom HoldstockHead Teacher
01.01.2021-Ex OfficioCurriculum


Naomi Standing


Staff Governor01.09.2020-31.08.2024Curriculum 
Sue Rees

Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor 

Chair of Curriculum




Headteacher performance


Pupil Discipline


Mental Health & Wellbeing


James Harrington

LA Governor



Finance & Premises

Headteacher performance


Pupil Discipline




Pupil Premium

Reverend Allison DaviesFoundation Governor16.09.2020-Ex Officio


Headteacher performance

Pupil Discipline

Faith & Spirituality


Sally Hunt


Co-opted Governor




Pupil Discipline

Headteacher performance

Health & Safety


David Winter


Vice-Chair of Governors

Parent Governor


Finance & Premises



Data Protection


Faye Green


Parent Governor

Chair of Finance


Finance & Premises


Early Years


James WeaverParent Governor




Finance & Premises 
Lucy ThorntonCo-opted Governor27/11/2023-26/11/2027CurriculumLiteracy


Claire Paul


Clerk to Governors04.02.2019NANA



Tom SiddonsParent GovernorResigned from the board 23rd February 2024Curriculum 
James Riley

Chair of Governors

Parent Governor

Resigned from the board 26th June 2023



The Arts

